Designing Mobile Apps

Learn to design mobile apps

A digital book in English and Spanish that will help you learn the secrets to designing useful and attractive apps.

Main chapters

Applications have been among us for quite some time. Before delving into how to design apps, it’s important to know a bit more about them. What are the different kinds of applications, and what are their characteristics? What’s the difference between an app and a mobile website? Find the answers to these questions and more.
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Where apps come from and their difference with mobile websites. The different types of applications depending on the way they are developed.
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Grasping the Possibilities
Grasping the Possibilities
Before developing the idea of an app, it is necessary to make some decisions that will set the stage for the project. In this chapter, we will explain the different options for making an economic profit off of your application and the equipment and resources you need to move forward.
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Grasping the Possibilities
The different categories of applications; the bases to form a design and development team.
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Exploring Ideas
Exploring Ideas
The high number of apps available in the market means there is a lot of competition, but it’s also a challenge and an opportunity to stand out. Offer something that differentiates your app and adds value for the user. Testing your idea is the first step.
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Exploring Ideas
How to think of an app idea to do something different, that stands out from the thousands that are already in stores.
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Defining the Proposal
Defining the Proposal
It’s now time to design (at least wireframes). To get started, we first need to understand and study users a bit more. What are their needs, and how can design address them?
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Defining the Proposal
It's time to start designing, at least wireframes. To do this, first you need to understand and study users a little more.
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Interaction and Patterns
Interaction and Patterns
All operating systems propose different ways of interacting with the elements on a screen. Getting to know the differences between them and understanding how to best utilize the elements most familiar to users ensure that they will feel comfortable and confident using the app.
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Interaction and Patterns
Know the difference between each operating system and use elements familiar to the user.
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Visual Design
Visual Design
Visual design is, for many designers, the most interesting stage of the process. Here, wireframes are brought to life with a style defined by the designer and the personality of each operating system.
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Visual Design
Here wireframes are brought to life with a style that is marked by both the designer and the personality of each operating system.
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Testing with Users
Testing with Users
Usability tests are a fundamental tool for correcting and improving an app. They are carried out based on user observations: how they interact with the app, and how easily they find it to use.
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Testing with Users
Usability tests are a fundamental tool to correct and improve the application.
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Preparing Files
Preparing Files
Once the interface design has been defined, the next, and perhaps more tedious, step is to separate and prepare the files for the developer. Doing this correctly will ensure the accurate implementation of the design.
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Preparing Files
How to separate and prepare files so they are ready for the developer.
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Design Best Practices
Design Best Practices
There’s a lot to learn from those who have already paved the way. We’ve selected three apps from each principal operating system that, for us, got it right.
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Design Best Practices
We have selected three apps from each operating system that for us, for different reasons, have done things well.
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The World of Tablets
The World of Tablets
Designing for tablets implies a larger load in terms of the space and circumstances present. Taking an app from smartphone to tablet isn’t a literal translation and requires careful analysis.
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The World of Tablets
Designing for tablets implies greater responsibility to take advantage of the available space and circumstances.
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Launching the App
Launching the App
The culmination of the design and development process is publication. In order to reach that point, certain requirements must be fulfilled. And, of course, the story goes on after launch—a new chapter of user feedback and improvements.
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Launching the App
The highlight of an application comes when it is finally published in the store and to achieve this, a series of steps must be completed.
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10 years after launch

The book was released in 2013, as one of the only ones of its kind in Spanish. Read the story to learn more about the context of the project.